FBS is delivered via USB stick with an installation programme. If wanted, the programme can also be delivered on a CD. The installation programme meets the Microsoft Windows guidelines and only changes system files in an eligible and reversible way. Administrator rights are needed for the installation.
To install, plug in the USB stick. Start the installation programme on the stick from FBSBahn-CD 20XX-XX > Installer.exe. Everything else is done by the installation programme, which will ask for the installation path and the extent of the installation. You can install components later, that you don't want to install right away.
During the installation process, the driver for the FBS license plug is also installed. Make sure that the license plug is already plugged in when the installation process begins.
We recommend to create a designated folder (directory) for FBS. The installation programme will propose C:\Program Files (x86)\FBS, but any other folder can chosen manually. The destination folder does not necessarily have to exist, it will be created automatically, if needed.
If you want a start menu entry for FBS, enter a program group in the installation programme or choose an existing one. A new program group will be created if it does not exist yet.
The installation programme also registers the programmes and timetable files in the Windows Registry so that the right programme to open those files will be automatically chosen.
There are two ways of installing FBS:
- everything locally (standard solution): The FBS programmes as well as files are installed locally on the user's computer.
- FBS programmes locally; FBS files on a server: All FBS files are stored on a server. This has the advantage and disadvantage, that all users can access the same files. This way it can be assured, that all users work with the identical FBS directories. However, it must also be assured that only one user accesses a certain file at the same time.
Depending on your preferred way, certain (directory and configuration) options have to be chosen during the installation of FBS. It is imperative that the license plug is physically on the worplace computer of the user. It is not intended to access the license plug via network and any attempt can lead to data loss. This applies independently of the installation way.
- The FBS license plug requires the installation of a driver. This driver will be automatically installed, when the FBS starting window (FBS.exe) is started for the first time. Alternatively it can be manually installed from the subdirectory \System\Treiber V813 Setup on the FBS CD or stick. The latest version of the driver can be downloaded from the websites of Fa. SafeNet (, search for driver for „HASP“).
- No system changes except for the driver installation are necessary for FBS. All other executable files are in the FBS programme directory (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\FBS). All FBS programes are native Windows programmes and do no need a special runtime environment.
- It is also possible to install FBS by copying files, see notes on the FBS USB stick / CD found under \Doku\RunFromCD.txt. It is sensible though, to register the file extensions used by FBS (*.fpl, *.ntz, *.bsv, *.wgv, *.tfz, *.znv). This is done automatically during the installation and/or can be done manually in the FBS starting window via Installation and maintenance→ configuration setting → FBS file types.
- Information about central files and directories of FBS can be found in the document FBS und Konfigurationsdateien.pdf (in German) on the FBS USB stick / CD in the directory \Doku\
Installation folder for programme files
A local installation of FBS usually goes in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\FBS. It is impotant, that all FBS programmes are stored in the same directory.
Global directory for FBS basic data
During the installation the FBS basic data (Tfz, Wgv, Bsv, Znv) are saved in a folder (e.g., D:\FBS-Projects) together (global data directory). The FBS basis data should generally be stored in the same folder, when working with FBS. The folder should not be write-protected.
The path of the global data directory can always be changed later. To do so, open the FBS starting window, click on Installation and maintenance and then Configuration settings.
FBS project files
When working with FBS, project files will inevitably be created. These include network files (*.ntz) as well as graphic timetable files (*.fpl). Since it is mandatory to use and change these files when working with FBS, it is also mandatory to have write access of them.
During the installation the file FBS.ini is automatically saved on the computer. By default, it is saved in the FBS programme folder as a not user related configuration file. This global configuration file is not editable.
There can also be a user related configuration file. It will be saved in a directory specially intended for that by Windows (in Win10: C:\Users\<Login>\Appdata\Roaming).
Both configuration files (user related and global) are structured in the same way and can contain the same entries. If a user related configuration file exists, its contents will be merged with those of the global configuration file, when the programme starts. The settings of the user related configuration file have priority over those of the global configuration file. This opens up the possibility to change the global settings to a standard for all users (e.g., the whole company), while every user can still deviate from the standard without affecting the other users. If a setting is changed in the global configuration file, it will affect all users, that haven't defined this setting individually.
Additionally to FBS.ini (globally and user related) there are more *.ini files depending on the installed additional programmes. Their directory can be looked up in the FBS configuration management (Installation and maintenence → Configuration Settings) where it, as well as the FBS.ini directory, can also be changed.
FBSbahn is constantly developed and updated.
To avoid incompatibilities and to be able to help you with support cases, we provide these undocumented beta versions only for bug fixing within the scope of our support. Regular updates include new versions to supplement, improve and further develop the included functionality and operation as well as to eliminate errors of the FBS programs within the scope of the already realized overall concept. Updates are usually delivered annually, with a documentation and supplement of the FBS manual as well as ready for installation; a downward compatibility at least to the previous file version is guaranteed. You will receive these regular updates automatically on a USB stick, a separate order is not necessary.
Between these regular updates, interim versions with bug fixes and program enhancements are made available approx. every six months on a special update server (for technical information see below). Downloading and installing these updates is only possible via a function integrated in the FBS start window (Service & Troubleshooting > Check for updates) (no FTP access, no sending of the intermediate versions via e-mail or on a USB stick).Updates to the program system are a maintenance service of iRFP and are delivered exclusively to customers with a valid maintenance contract. The maintenance contract can be concluded up to two months after the purchase of the FBS license (see §9.5 of the AVRB). A purchase of FBS updates is not possible.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding new FBS functions, please do not hesitate to contact our Dresden office.
The FBS update function allows calling up and installing available updates independently from the currently installed FBS version. The updates are released on a server by iRFP and are transmitted encrypted to the local computer. Conditions for the usage of that function are:
- The computer has a functional connection to the internet.
- The computer is linked with an FBS license plug and the license is authorized to acquire new updates.
The update can be started and controlled in the FBS starting window:
- First the local FBS installation is analysed and the server is checked for available updates. This process is initiated by clicking Service and troube shooting → Check for updates… The FBS installation analyses those files of the FBS components that are in the programme directory (where "FBS.exe" is located) and that are part of the license registered for the license plug.
- After that a new window is opened, that shows a summary of the installed FBS components, their versions and potential updates. By selecting an entry in the list of programme components, detailed information about that component's update can be accessed. The components for which new updates where found on the server are automatically selected (checkmark to the very left). This selection can be changed by the user. Entries written in gray indicate programme components where no newer versions are available.
- The actual installation is started by clicking the button Install updates. All marked components (checkmark to very left) will be downloaded and then installed. In the process backups for the files to be overwritten will be created with the file ending .bak. After that the new files will be written in the installation directory and the backups will be moved to the recycle bin.
- Should an error occur during the update process, the whole update will be reverted i.e., all selected components will be put back in the previous state.
- If wanted, the backups can be kept after the update. In that case Delete backup copies after installation (into trashcan) must be unchecked.
- In some cases, updating one component also requires the update of other components. In that event the programme notifies the user about the dependency and demands the user to check the dependent components for updates as well.
- An update can contain programme files as well as data files. While a programme file usually replaces the previous version completely, it may be sensible to manually backup current data files before the update in order to synchronise manual changes of those files with the new file after the update (e.g., locally adjusted station database files). Which files are included in an update can be found in the detailed description.
- When FBS is calling updates, the iRFP server records which FBS license (-number) updated which FBS component at which time.
- Technical advice for network administrators: The FBS update function accesses with the HTTP-protocoll over the port 80 to the goal-url (only automatic access over FBS; IP-adress is determined by DNS-resolution). For a usage of the FBS update function the adress needs to be released if necessary in a firewall for the programme FBS.exe. Alternatively also a free definable proxy-adress with a configurable port (as a rule 8080) may be used.
- To install the update please start (if your operating system doesn't do that automatically) the file setup.exe on the USB flash drive. When the setup program finds an already installed FBS version, it offers a deinstallation. Otherwise you also can trigger the deinstallation in the system control (see also advice in the FBS manual).
- Before you start, please save your personal timetable data (*.fpl, *.ntz and *.bfo files). If you changed or added special settings in the program (e.g., colours, holidays - found in FBS.ini), train classes (*.znv files) or engines and wagons (FBS.tfz and all *.wgv files), please save these files as well
- If you want to install FBS under Windows® 10 or 11, you need explicit administrator rights. Please consider, that Windows® 95/98/ME, Windows® NT 4, 2000 and Vista as well as Windows® 8/8.1 are not supported by FBS.
- Please also note, that FBS files saved with the new version cannot be opened by old FBS versions, because additional functions changed the file format. We highly recommend to update only between projects and do it consistently throughout the company (and possible partners)
- You can find information about the new functions and changes in FBS in a pdf-file on your USB flash drive.
- On the USB flash drive there is also a preinstalled FBS version. When starting this version from the USB flash drive there might be error messages because of write-protection since FBS isn't intended to be started like this. Moreover you can use the preinstalled version to bypass the installation program or to update single files. To do so copy the files on the hard disk and deactivate the write-protection (right-click the file in the Explorer and select "Properties", then uncheck "Read-only").
- If you need an extension of the update authorization of your license plug to use of the new version (error message "Your FBS license can't use this program version"), please perform a license plug test in the FBS starting window (FBS.exe; menu point installation and maintenance--> Launch FBS dongle service programme...). Please copy the results of this check in an e-mail, which you send to our service. Our collective will help you as fast as possible with the extension of the update authorization of your license.
- The above mentioned FBS update function accesses the URL (access only via FBS.exe; IP-adress is determined with DNS resolution) using the HTTPS protocoll through Port 80. To use the FBS update function a firewall may have to enable the adress for the programme FBS.exe. Alternatively it is also possible to use a freely chosen proxy-adress with a configurable port (ususally 8080).
- When online updating the new files are downloaded in the file formats zip, ini and binary data (*.dat). These file formats have to be approved by the firewall if necessary.
- FBS never connects to the internet on its own - this can only happen due to user action. As of now that includes the check for updates, check for new license updates (both called from the FBS starting window) and data transfer in connection with slot orders with the corresponding special interface (only when installed).
- A potential proxy server can be configured in the FBS starting windows when clicking Installation and maintanence → Configuration settings → Network access.