41104: I would like to replenish a station in the interval graphic subsequently and connected it with existing interval lines. Which steps are necessary?
An integration of addition stations is possible at any time: For that the following steps are necessary:
(1.) Switch on the mode to edit the stations (F2) than insert a new station (left click --> "insert new station"). Adjust the new station as preferred (size, position,…)
(2.) Connect the interval lines with the new station. For that please switch to the mode to edit the interval lines (F3) than chose a line which shall be connected to the new station.
(3.) Right-click on the section of the interval line where it should be connected with the station. Choose the option "insert a new interval line´s point".
(4.) In the window that will now open, please choose "Arrival / Departure Time" at the top and choose the station at the bottom. Then click on OK.
(5.) In the next window choose the orientation of the line´s point and then click on "Synchronize with timetable". Of course, it is also possible to set the times manually.
(6.) Afterwards move the line´s point to the preferred position on the outlines of the station.
(7.) Repeat steps 3-6 for the second line´s point of the station. At step 5 make sure that you now choose the other orientation.
After you have connected the interval line with the station, repeat the process for all lines (stopping and passing) that touch the new station.
Last update on 20.03.2020 by iRFP Support.