40714: How can train rides with a duration of more than 24 hours be arranged in circulations?

It has become relatively rare in the European realm that passenger trains run for more than 24 hours with one train number. However, in special cases, it occurs from time to time. Especially in the case of international night trains, e.g. from Berlin to Moscow, travel times of more than 24 hours are still the rule.
The concept of the daily train number for the operational identification of a train, which is common in Central Europe, would no longer work for trains that are traveling for more than 24 hours, as then, more than one train with the same train number could be on the road at the same day. For this reason, long-haul train runs in Central Europe are "broken", at the latest, just before reaching the 24-h border and change the train number, usually during border stops or changes of the infrastructure manager.
This restriction is inevitably also applied to FBS: If a daily train number is used, a train run must not run for 24 hours or longer. Instead, the train number must be changed beforehand.
However, this only applies to the operational view of such a train. From the point of view of traffic, it is not so simple. Here, for example, it is necessary to plan the circulations or make seat reservations for journeys which may take more than 24 hours.
The following "gimmicks" are necessary in FBS to correctly display both passenger information and circulation plan:
In the example shown on the right, a continuous journey from Berlin to Moscow, with a duration of more than 24 hours, was divided into two train parts: one train part from Berlin to Brest and another from Brest to Moscow. Here the continuous train in Brest was broken; the position of the division can of course also be moved to another point. In the circulation plan, these two train components can then be linked to a forced transition. Each train section now has a duration of less than 24 hours.
In order for such cross-country routes to be correctly processed both in the circulation plan and in passenger information, it is important to adjust the train part numbers in particular. For the passenger information (e.g. the customer's timetable), the train part number must be the same on all sections. For the circulation plan, it is necessary that it is different on sections < 24 h. Thus, in the simplest case, three train parts must be applied (see also example):
- one train part for the customer's timetable, which is not included in the circulation plan, runs on both sections and has the same train part number there
- one train part for the circulation plan, which is not published and only runs on the first section (<24 h)
- one train part for the circulation plan, which is not published and only runs on the second section (<24 h)
The train part number of the last two train parts (2.) and (3.) must differ on both sections.
In the circulation plan, services that are longer than 24 hours (for example, multi-day maintenance services) can be displayed according to the same principle. They should be divided into several services and then linked with forced transitions.
Last update on 04.03.2020 by iRFP Support.