20911: FBS was transferred onto another computer and I would like to keep the existing configurations. Where can I find the FBS configuration files?
FBS saves some computer- and user-based configurations in configuration files (text file with extension *.ini). When FBS is installed on another computer the configuration can be adopted form the “old” computer, by copying the FBS configuration files to the corresponding location on the new computer.
Depending on the version of Windows and whether the settings are computer- or user-related, these files can be stored at different locations. The storage location of the configuration files can be can checked in the FBS configuration settings. You find a list of all existing configuration files in the FBS start window under --> "installation and maintenance" --> "configuration settings" --> "configuration files" --> "summary of the existing configuration files".
Attention: These kinds of actions should be reserved for experts. Incorrect operations can lead to situations in which FBS performs different from what was expected. In case of doubt please contact your system administrator.
For more information please check this document: FBS and configuration files.pdf (German PDF, 226 kB)
Last update on 19.03.2020 by iRFP Support.