40426: When you load / reload the trains of a customer's timetable or create the opposite direction to an existing customer's timetable, a previously manually deleted check mark of the option "Enter Class" is automatically set again.
This check mark is automatically set when the trains are loaded and there is a checkmark for Show Classes in the Further settings (at the bottom left of the last window, when creating or reloading a costumer’s timetable) and the trains have different classes. Thus, the programme is required to specify the classes in the column header of the trains, which is why the lettering “Class” is switched on. If all trains had the same classes, the indication would be given in the title and not in the column header.
To avoid the lettering “Class” to appear automatically, you need also to turn off Show classes.
Last update on 20.03.2020 by iRFP Support.