40420: Why is the column “Station” in some customer's timetables larger than the widest text contained? Why does the width not react or only erratically to the default value under "View"?
First, the default is only a minimum value - if the particular contents of the column “station” are wider, the column is automatically drawn as wide as needed. Here, optional extra texts, bilingual station names etc and the symbols of arrival and departure are also taken into consideration.
Even so, the width of the station gap often does not change at all or in very large steps when the default value is already above the minimum width. This is due to the internal rule avoid incomplete train columns. This has the effect that the width of the column “station” can only change in whole multiples of the width of the columns of the trains – roughly 15 characters. Without that rule, there would be an unused “remainder column” at the right end of the table.
Last update on 20.03.2020 by iRFP Support.