20630: How can you enter train running reports for train control?
Depending on the application and frequency of the application, there are the following possibilities:
- In the case of recurring reports at the same operating points, of the type Travel Request, Arrival Report and / or Departure Message, it is advisable to configure this before inserting the train via Infrastructure data / Stations & Locations in the column Stop.
- For selected location spots several reports for can also be set for all trains subsequent (that means when the trains are already in the graphic timetable) with the help of the function Edit--> set train messages. This is especially important for situation-dependant messages, e.g. at crossings – here the programme can recognize certain situations like crossings, overhauls, starting and ending and insert appropriate messages.
- The individual setting and deletion of train run messages is possible vie the mouse mode F10 Set stay information: If this mouse mode is selected, you can click on an arrival or departure time (or an arrival or departure point) and switch the individual messages on or off. Here you can also enter completely individual texts (which do not necessarily have to be directly related to the messages) or symbols, and also, if necessary, separate ones for arrival and departure. Such individual texts are perhaps. useful to supplement messages such as "only when train runs...".
Last update on 19.03.2020 by iRFP Support.