20550:How can a train be assigned to another engine without affecting slot?
There are several ways to exchange engines, two of which we would like to take a closer look at:
Option 1 - Change with the help of the multiple train selection:
This option is particularly useful if several trains are to be processed at the same time. However, the procedure described below can only be used for one train:
- Open the multiple train selection (menu bar --> "Edit" --> "Edit several trains"). Then select the desired train and right-click to select the option "Edit data for selected trains".
- In the following window, first check the "Recalculate run times for all selected trains" box in the "General train data" tab.
- Next, check the "Assign new engines" box in the "Train parts" tab and then select the existing and the desired new engine. By confirming with "Ok" you have assigned a new engine to the train.
- The slot in the graphic timetable has not been changed. However, you will now see a yellow exclamation mark because the (newly) calculated run times for the train do not match the slot shown in the graphic timetable. As soon as you edit the slot again, it will be adapted, taking into account the new run times stored for the changed engine.
If the restrictions mentioned in point 4) are not desired, skip the steps mentioned in point 2). Please note, however, that the run times stored for the train no longer correspond to those that would result from the run time calculations for the selected engine. iPLAN will not issue a warning in this respect, even at a later point in time.
Please also note that with this procedure, the engine is first replaced for all train parts of the train (of course only if the vehicle is also set for the corresponding train parts). However, on the "Train parts" tab page mentioned in step 3), you also have the option to restrict the train parts to be edited in the upper area (note the Extended button if necessary).
Option 2 - Change via the train data in the graphic timetable:
Of course, you can also exchange the engine directly in the train data of the corresponding train. However, the procedure described below only works for one train at a time.
First open the train data of the train in the graphic timetable and change the engine for the desired train parts. After you have exchanged the engine, close the train data with OK. In most cases you will now be asked whether a new slot should be searched for because the run times, which are always recalculated with this procedure, have changed.
Answer the question with NO. The engine was changed on this train and the slot was not changed. In this case, however, the restrictions described in option 1, point 4) also apply.
A renunciation of the recalculation of the run time (--> no yellow exclamation mark) is not possible with this procedure.
Last update on 21.01.2020 by iRFP Support.