20342: If you manually change the stop time of a train, the next time you search for a train path, it jumps back to the regular stop. Can you keep a manual change to the stay?

If you manually change the stop time of a train, the next time you search for a train path, it jumps back to the regular stop. Can you keep a manual change to the stay?
If you manually change a stop (stop / transit) or a stop information (stop on demand, operating stop), this remains the same after the next path search. How can you reset these values to the traffic input data?

Manual deviations of the stop information from the traffic demands (by using switch departure time (F3) at an intermediate stop, using switch stop <-> transit (F5) or by manually setting operational stop/stop on demand (F10)) can be valid only for the current train path or still after new train path search.

The validity period of the different stop information is somewhat more inconsistent, but depends on the method of changing the stop time: the switchover stop < - > transit (mouse mode F5) and the manual setting of the holding information operating stop / stop on demand (mouse mode F10) always persist after a new path search. To reset this information to the traffic specifications, you must re-assign the stop list in the train data window (open train data window and click < > -button to the right of the stop-time list).


The manual change of a stop time by move departure time (mouse mode F3), on the other hand, only applies until the next train path search; afterwards, the periods of residence are reset to the regular stops. In order to maintain a manually changed stay time even after a new path search, you must call the function Enter stop time ... with the right mouse button during the movement of the departure time. Here you can choose whether the time and kind of the stay are valid only for the current train path or after a new train path search. In this way, you can permanently change the duration of your stay individually for a train, without having to touch the traffic regulations.

In contrast to the control runtime types, the infrastructure properties operating and demand stop (to be set only for downward compatibility under operating stations) are re-evaluated and assigned if necessary, for each train path search.

Last update on 19.03.2020 by iRFP Support.

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