20250: How to enter block, entry, exit and intermediate signals?
In the past, a vertical line was drawn for each location spot in a graphic timetable. These were, of course, firstly the stations and stops, but also block posts, which were used to shorten the train sequence distance between two railway stations. The precise location of the block signals was thereby neglected; the position of the signal box was indicated as the mileage of the blocking signals. This was possible because the distance of the signals from the box was still much smaller than the distance between the signals.
This is no longer possible with a modern line, which is equipped with many blocking signals. The blocking signals are usually distributed differently in both directions of travel, they are no longer operated locally by signal boxes, but are automatic or centralised blocking signals. In such cases, enter each block signal as a separate block post, each with one operating direction (see type of operating places). Only combine blocking signals of different directions to one operating location if they are closer than approx. 50 metres.
In the case of a path with a dense block division, the distance from the last blocking signal to the station may be greater than the distance between the blocking signals. In this case, the paradox would arise that the distance between the blocking signals would no longer be decisive for the minimum train-to-train distance - which, of course, would not correspond to reality because the station is still subdivided by home and exit signals. In such cases, you must enter the home signals as well as blocking signals (as blocking locations depending on direction).
Exit signals (starters) are usually not entered into FBS because they are represented by the operation site itself. (It is assumed that "middle of train at the middle of station" is almost identical to "head of train at the starter". Similarly, a train may only start when the starter is cleared regardless of how far the train is still from the signal.)
Intermediate signals in long stations are as well as home signals, in this context, blocking signals and must therefore be entered as such.
To insert home signals as block posts should not be mixed with the input of the beginning of speed restrictions into the railway tracks. The latter is used only to illustrate the speed limits when entering the railway stations, but not the train sequence. Since in most parts of Mid-Europe a speed-restricting signal fulfils two functions (beginning of the speed restriction as well as blocking function), the home signals must consequently be entered twice - once as a block post and once at the railway tracks for the speed restriction. It would also be conceivable (as is usual in other countries) that the speed limit does not start at the home signal, but at the first switch, so that the corresponding mileage in the railway tracks and the operating stations would not be identical.
Last update on 19.03.2020 by iRFP Support.