20131: Where can I define the speed displayed in the graphic timetables header? Which speed is displayed?
The speed displayed in the header is the maximum line speed on this section. Which speed profile is used as a reference can be defined via timetable-dependent display settings on the "image timetable header" tab page. You can open the settings menu via "Edit" --> "Timetable-Dependent Display Settings" or via Alt+A.
Special feature for combined graphic timetables (graphic timetables from several graphic timetable files):
In the case of combined graphic timetables, the applicable speed list (according to the set reference list) is first used in the first graphic timetable. In the subsequent graphic timetables, a functionally suitable list (same direction, same function, ...) will be searched for. In this way, it can happen that although list 1 is set as the reference list, list 4 is used in a third graphic timetable, for example, because it matches list 1 functionally in the first graphic timetable.
Where are fractions inserted in the speed profile?
A break (vertical line in the profile) always occurs where a new section is defined in the infrastructure data of the line under classification. This is independent of whether a route property (route number, owner, ...) changes in the next section or not. This functionality can be used to provoke breaks also deliberately.
Generally, sections with the same maximum line speed are always combined.
Last update on 20.01.2022 by iRFP Administrator.