10072: Is it possible to start FBS from a read-only directory of the hard disk or from CD?
The following notes are also relevant to your system administrator if the path where programmes are installed (for example, C: \ Program Files) has no write permission.
When you exit the programmes FBS writes the last settings to the FBS.ini file. This file is usually located in the same directory as the programmes and may be created. If this directory does not have write permission (for example, a network path or when starting from CD), an alternative file name and path for this file FBS.ini must be set.
The optional registry entry "IniDatei" in \ Software \ RFP \ FBS (if available) defines the alternative filename and path. If this entry does not exist (= default), the FBS.ini is still expected in the same directory as all FBS programmes. By applying the registration entry, FBS may also be executed by write-protected paths (e.g. network, CD). The ini-file should always be able to be written.
Starting with FBS issue 06/2011 there are further possibilities regarding the support of newer Versions of Windows, as FBS is always started from a read-only directory. We have summarized the possibilities and necessities in this document (German PDF, 226kB).
Last update on 19.03.2020 by iRFP Support.